Saturday 23 November 2013

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

It has been a long time for me to post here since the last session, Ramadan.
Actually, I've been pretty busy for my study..hurm..
Today, I'd like to share something about my life. hope that whoever read this will take what happen to me as lesson to improve in this life.

I had been betrayed by my friends when I in primary school. Actually, I was a very naughty student before. Hehe. Not that i'm no longer naughty but I thing I'm being improve in my personality a bit since then( I hope so.haha) Ok, back to main story..

In my primary school, there were many students who really hardworking and show some sort of too kind personality which i thought they were just hypocrite( that was what i thought back then). Then, my so called best friends back then planned with me something bad for those people just for fun (pretty naughty right? haha). But our plan failed as my so called best friends told our plan to those people by stating that i was the master mind of that plan. Haha..

After that all of them started to ignore me and I felt just wanted to isolate myself at home. But, I not the type who will tell my problem to anyone including my family. So, I just always pretended to be sick or felt unwell so that I could skip school.

Even thought I just a bad kid back then but I also can fell sad and angry right? I dont understand why my "friend' lying and backstabed me because I really love to be their friends before that situation happen.
Since then, I started to reflect for all my action and finding something that can motivate e to becoe a better person.

I realize that there were so many flaws in my friendships before.
Before this I'm not realised that I also hurting someone who sincere to be my friends by using them just to finish up my homeworks (copying)
so, i start to treat for my friends now sincerely but sometimes there always come hardship in our friendship.

Its normal right? Even marriages also has their own hardship.
So, we need no struggle to treat people surrounding us sincerely as our prophet, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. also asked us to have good relationship with other beings.
then, Tawakatu anallah.. Allah know the best for all of us.

I know that this hardship that i faced has the hidden benefit for me.
So, i hope whoever read this, please appreciate people surrounding you.
try to love all of them so that you will have no time to hate other people.
That's all.


Friday 2 August 2013

Ustaz Azhar Idrus (Fasting @ Puasa)

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Bismillahhir rahmanir rahim:
بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Ahlan wa sahlan

How are you? Today, in hoping to get rahmah in Ramadhan full with barakah from Allah S.W.T, I have been given an idea to create a blog in order to share my humble interest. Alhamdulillah. 

I hope you like it. =) In Shaa Allah.

Actually, today, 25 Ramadhan 1434 hijrah as the starter for my new blog, I would like to share my favourite ustaz teachings who is well known for many people like me. The ustaz is USTAZ AZHAR BIN IDRUS or UAI.

Want to know more about him? Just visit this blog that I had found before when I was searching for his information.

Lets us start to watch some of his teachings which I specifically for fasting topic. For your convenience, I will specify the title of the video so that it will make you easy to do references.

  • Fasting
    1. (Puasa tapi tak tutup aurat)
    2. (Memasukkan kapas dalam lubang faraj)
    3. (Sahur ketika azan subuh)
    4. (Korek hidung dan telinga ketika puasa)
    5. (Bersetubuh di siang hari ketika bulan puasa)
    6. (Puasa tapi tidak solat)
    7. (Hukum cabut gigi & injection ketika puasa) 
    8. (Angkat hadas besar selepas Subuh)
    9. (Hari pertama puasa)
    10. (Wudhuk berkumur & bersalin dan Qadar/Fidyah)
    11. (Haid dan kelebihan Ramadhan)
    12. (Mulut ternganga tertelan air hujan)
    13. (Kuliah Ramadhan & soal jawab puasa)
    14. (Berbuka puasa dengan jimak)
    15. (Ganti puasa atau bayar fidyah sahaja?)
    16. (Mandi selepas asar ketika puasa)
    17. (Gusi berdarah ketika puasa)
    18. (Tidur sepanjang hari ketika berpuasa)
    19. (Meludah di bulan puasa)
    20. (Niat puasa sebulan)
    21. (Sahkah puasa apabila mandi junub selepas subuh)
    22. (Niat puasa selepas terbit fajar)
    23. (Onani di bulan Ramadhan)
    24. (Nafsu berbuka puasa)
    25. (Puasa sunat + nazar)
    26. (Tidak puasa kerana sakit @ nyanyuk)
    27. (Bayar fidyah ansur-ansur)
    28. (Hukum makan pil tahan period dalam Ramadhan)
    29. (Bergandakah puasa yang tidak diganti?)
    30. (Trend berbuka puasa di hotel @ kedai makan)
    31. (Bayar fidyah bagi orang yang sudah meninggal dunia)
    32. (Cara kira fidyah puasa)
    33. (Guna ubat lelah ketika puasa)
    34. (Puasa rejab dan nisfu syaa'ban)
    35. (Pembatalan kuliah untuk terawih)
    36. (Puasa sunat Jumaat sahaja)
    37. (Tangguh puasa kerana bersukan)
    38. (Tangguh puasa nazar dan hukum oral seks)
    39. (Kejadian Lailatul Qadar)
Alhamdulillah. I think this is all that I could give for my first post. I hope all of you can enjoy the videos. Please forgive me if something in my first time posting is uncomfortable to you.

Before that, I would like to inform you that when you open the links, you just wait for a few seconds and then click at 'skip ad' right at the upper right of page.

That's all for this time. Thank you for visiting my blog. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

p/s : Sorry for the mixed languages. hehe. Enjoy the Malay language with Terengganu slang by UAI.